Curious about our site? Here is some basic information on how we built it, why we use what we use and where we get our cool stuff from! If you would like to ask a question about our site, or get us to build you one of your own, just get in touch! 

Icon from www.flaticon.com

The Base Website

The core of our website is WordPress. We love WordPress! You might encounter people who don’t like WordPress and it is far from perfect, but, it is pretty darn awesome. There simply isn’t an alternative that has the breadth of use or support across the world wide web and that is why 80% of our work is done with it and why about 75 million other website use it.

The Theme and Our Plugins

We use Divi as our theme of choice. It is an extremely versatile site builder that allows us to achieve excellent results quickly but with good solid code. We also use a couple of plugins to extend the capabilities of Divi such as the Carousel Module on the front page and the dot navigation menu.

We use a range of plugins to ensure that the site does what we need it to do. These include:

WP-Rocket – For caching and page speed.

WP-Matomo – For privacy first analytics

Yoast – For SEO

Cookiebot – This takes care of our cookie permission and GDPR compliance.

Echo Knowledge Base – This is what manages our knowledgebase.

and various security plugins, but Shhhhhhhh, we aren’t telling you what they are 🙂 

Icons and Graphics

Screenshots – Any screenshots of our previous work we made ourselves. Our parents would be so proud! You can make your own if you like? We use the Full Page Screen Capture Plugin for Chrome.

Icons – All of the icons on this site are from Freepik.com they have a massive range of icons and web based stuff there but make sure you buy a membership or stick to the licence agreement!


Behind the scenes we use a range of software to manage our business but the main ones are.

Dubsado – To manage contracts and projects.

Xero – To manage our finances.


If you would like to know more about any of these bits of software, or how we could help you integrate them into your business, just get in touch!



Our Address









01752 717090