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Divi – How to style your contact form submission success message.
If you are using the Divi contact form on your site then it can be a source of frustration that there isn’t an easy way to change the colour of the acknowledgement text that shows after the form is sent. You can scour the settings, but there is no easy option for changing it (as of 3.27.4).
One way around that is to add this small block of css to your custom css field in the Divi options.
.et-pb-contact-message {
color: #ffffff ;
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
As you can probably see from the code above (and if you can’t. there are loads of free css tutorials to get you started) this changes the colour (yes, I know its spelt wrong but thats just a thing in web design), the text size and the alignment. There are other commands you can enter here but these will do for the purposes of illustration. Try it on your own Divi contact form and have some fun with it!